Welcome to the Arizona Recovery Housing Association
“Setting and maintaining the standard for quality and safety in recovery housing in Arizona.”
The Arizona Recovery Housing Association (AzRHA) is a statewide association of residential recovery program providers and community stakeholders. We represent over 1678 beds for quality recovery housing providers throughout Arizona. AzRHA promotes the development and quality operation of recovery-based residential programs through membership meetings, training/education, providing a platform for exchange of knowledge and experience, fostering relationships with community stakeholders, increasing community awareness of the value and needs of recovery housing programs, and through the inspection and certification of the residential facilities of its members.
AzRHA member programs receive AzRHA Certification annually upon passing AzRHA inspection, which certifies them as a quality recovery housing provider. All member programs who receive certification abide by AzRHA’s Quality of Care Standards and Code of Ethics. Choosing an AzRHA certified provider for residential recovery services means choosing a well-managed, supported and quality program in which to begin the recovery process.
The Arizona Recovery Housing Association will be widely recognized as the bridge between communities, government, and recovery housing providers building unity and trust for the benefit of recovering individuals.
Membership in AzRHA distinguishes your facility as a quality housing provider operating according to industry best practices.
AzRHA members unite cross Arizona to uphold standards that ensure quality recovery housing that is certified to AzRHA’s Code of Ethics. Our standards promote integrity and ethical operations for recovery-based providers.