Below are the questions the AzRHA Inspectors will be asking when they review your homes/site.  Make sure your home is fully prepared prior to the inspection date.  Download the checklist here Pre-Inspection Checklist.


Every place in the home/site must be clean, well maintained and free of pest infestation. Piles of newspapers, clothes or other stored materials could create a fire hazard. Below are the principal items to look for:

  1. Any signs of roach or other pest infestation problems?
  2. Kitchen and appliances clean and well maintained? At least, 1 refrigerator for every 6 residents
  3. Is adequate and clean food storage space provided?
  4. Are any piles of newspapers, clothes or other stored materials creating a fire or safety hazard?
  5. Are bathrooms clean and orderly? Do five (5) or fewer female residents share a bathroom and do five (5) or fewer male residents share a bathroom?
  6. Are the furniture and furnishings clean and of reasonable quality?
  7. Do all sleeping rooms provide all residents with adequate space?
  8. Does the home have a minimum of two (2) Naloxone (Narcan) Kits properly secured with clear instructions?


Home must meet basic safety requirements. These are the principal items:

  1. Are there smoke detectors in every sleeping room, hallway, and outside of kitchen?
  2. Is there a fire extinguisher 6 to 8 feet from stove and 4 to 6 feet from the floor?
  3. Are carbon monoxide detectors installed in appropriate places (if you have gas appliances or heat)?
  4. Are there at least two properly identified exits in case of emergencies?
  5. Is the property address on the front of the house clearly visible from the street?
  6. Are the home/site address, emergency and utility phone numbers posted in a conspicuous location?
  7. Is smoking prohibited in areas that could be considered a fire hazard or a problem for neighbors?
  8. Do smoking areas have approved safety disposal containers for smoking materials?
  9. Are there any electric outlets or extension cords that could be considered a fire hazard?
  10. Are water heaters strapped and is there a key wrench to shut off gas at the meter? (Recommendation only)
  11. Do the home and any other permanent structures meet local building and safety codes (Indicate management verification or visual appearance as observed by the inspector)
  12. Are the house/site and grounds well-kept and consistent with the quality of the neighborhood?
  13. Is Naloxone (Narcan) available and accessible; evidence that staff and residents are oriented in it’s use?


  1. Has the house/site leader completed any Leadership Training and does he/she have the basic skills to manage?
  2. Is there a clear and concise description of the operation of the home/site?
  3. Are there clear acceptance criteria for all applicants?
  4. Is there a Personal Data Information Sheet for each applicant and resident?
  5. Is there a resident, lodging or household member agreement?
  6. Do the resident rules cover key issues? Are the rules clear and easy to understand?
  7. Do the residents have a significant role in the functioning of the home?
  8. Is the sober home grievance policy with the contact information posted in a location where residents can see and read it?
  9. Does management provide daily recovery programming at the sober home?
  10. Does the home have General Liability coverage appropriate to their level of support (taking into account factors such as size, location, permitted activities on the premises, art the members of the public invited onto the property, etc)?
  11. Have all management and house leaders signed the Code of Ethics?
  12. Does the operator have a municipal lien certificate from the city/town in which the property is located to show that the city/town does not have any liens on the property for taxes or other municipal assessments?

Need a Printable Form?

Make sure your home is fully prepared prior to the inspection date. Print and Download the checklist here Pre-Inspection Checklist.